You are here: 12. Micronet ECOM > 12.15. Appendix 1: FAQs > 12.15.13. How does Micronet ECOM handle customers whose account is on hold?

How does Micronet ECOM handle customers whose account is on hold?

When a customer's account is on hold, they are still allowed to create and submit orders on Micronet ECOM.

All orders received into Micronet are checked for on hold debtors. If a debtor is on hold, the order comes into Micronet as a Held invoice. An email is sent to a nominated email address within the company informing the user that an order has been received from an on hold account. A user within the company needs to load and review each held order and process it manually – either calling the customer or allowing the order to be processed.


Technical Tip

Note that the customer still receives a confirmation email that their order has been submitted, but the email subject is changed to "Your Order has been received but your Account is On Hold".

The email received in your company would look something like this:

You can customise the sending name and address and the subject of the email as required.